By Alan
Most of the people of the world have
concluded that the decades of warnings about “global warming” and its successor,
“climate change”, is just idiotic nonsense. Few believe that humans ever had or
ever will have any role in what the weather will be tomorrow or a thousand years
from now. They are right.
One of the most distinguishing factors
about the Anthropogenic Global Warming theory has been the way its advocates
have always predicted major changes decades into the future. When the future
arrived, as it has since the first doomsday predictions were made in the late
1980s, they simply push off the next arrival date for another couple of decades.
A classic example is the prediction that that Arctic and Antarctic sea ice would
have all melted by now. Instead the global cold weather have been making new
records of late.
Delegates from two hundred nations
attended the 20th session of the Conference of the Parties and the 10th session
of the Conference of the Parties to the Kyoto Protocol which took place from
December 1 through 12. COP 20/CMP 10 was hosted by the Government of Peru in
Lima. The event is part of the United Nations agenda that began with the
creation of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) in
The Kyoto Protocol dates back to 1997
and sets limits on how much “greenhouse gas” emissions, primarily carbon dioxide
(CO2), nations could permit. The theory, now long since debunked, that CO2 was
rising and would cause the Earth to warm too much was right in only one respect.
There is more CO2, but the Earth has
been in a cooling cycle for some 19
years at this point. The U.S. did not ratify, i.e. sign onto the Protocol. The
Senate unanimously rejected it. Canada later withdrew from it. China and India
were both exempted from it!
So what we have been witnessing have
been a bunch of international officials wrangling over something that did not
happen and will not happen.
The hard core “Warmists” wanted the
climate change agreement to be legally binding under international law. They
were led by those from the European Union. They and others wanted more money to
be spent on renewable energy, wind and solar, and money given to poor countries
to help them deal with climate change.
The COP20 conference was not about the
climate. It was about funding wind and solar energy projects that have proven
globally to be huge, expensive failures, and about providing money to poor
countries that, as often as not, are poor because they are poorly governed. It’s
a scheme based on totally false “science.”
As to the “science” proclaiming a
warming Earth and that “greenhouse gas emissions” are responsible, the easiest
and most entertaining way to learn the real science is to read Anthony
Bright-Paul’s new book, “Climate for the Layman.”
Bright applies the known knowledge of
the universe in which we live with the kind of logic you are not likely to hear
from the likes of Al Gore or Bill Nye the “science guy.” Add to them the blissfully ignorant legions
of “leaders” of various nations who have signed off on “global warming” without
a lick of knowledge with which to refute the lies and you get idiotic
conferences and demands to end the beneficial use of fossil fuels which improved
our lives long before and since the IPCC was
“So how does one measure the
temperature of something that has a multiplicity of temperatures and is
constantly on the move?” asks Bright. “It is clearly impossible.” How difficult is that to
“In my dictionary,” says Bright,
“’Global’ is defined as ‘worldwide’. So let us ask ourselves the question—has
there been a worldwide warming of 0.07 degrees Celsius? Has there been a uniform
increase in temperatures worldwide? The answer is simple. It is utterly
impossible to make such declaration”, adding that “It is completely impossible
to measure the temperature of the atmosphere which is 100 kilometers high and
which has a huge range of temperatures in a continuous state of
If it cannot be measured then years
from now the climate cannot be predicted. The weather—what is happening where
you live—can only be predicted in general terms for the next few days and that
is largely thanks to modern satellites. Moreover, the weather is never exactly
the same from day to day. Meteorologists focus on what’s happening now, but
climatologists measure the climate in units of decades, the smallest of which is
thirty years. The largest take in millions of years.
Carbon dioxide is such a minor “trace”
gas—0.04% of the Earth’s atmosphere--that most people are astonished to learn
that it is Nitrogen and Oxygen that make up 99% of the atmosphere. Both are
transparent to incoming and outgoing radiation. It is the Earth that acts as a conductor of heat,
affected as always by solar radiation. It is the Sun along with the actions of the oceans
and volcanic activity that determines the weather and, long term, the climate.
Virtually everything you have
heard or been told about “greenhouse gas emissions” is pure bunkum.
The Earth is not a greenhouse closed
in by heat trapping gases. It is the mass of the Earth that absorbs the Sun’s
radiation and reflects it into the atmosphere. The process is so dynamic that
there is no way to accurately predict what the temperature anywhere on any
The IPCC and its idiotic “climate
change” conference wants you to believe it can predict the climate of the entire
world! And control it.
Not a single dime of U.S. taxpayer’s
money should be devoted to either the U.N. or any bogus “global warming” claims.
We could begin by defunding the Environmental Protection Agency’s regulations to
limit “greenhouse gas emissions”, the reason they give for closing coal-fired
plants to produce electricity.
We should laugh Secretary
of State John Kerry off the stage every time in claims that climate change
is the greatest threat to life on Earth.
© Alan Caruba, 2014