By Alan Caruba
In a recent Daily Caller article,
Michael Bastach took note of “25 Years of predicting The Global Warming ‘Tipping
Point’.” This is the message that the Earth is warming rapidly and, if we
don’t abandon the use of fossil fuels for power, it will arrive to wreak
destruction on the human race and all life on the
It is astounding how many past and
present world leaders are telling everyone this despite the total lack of any
real science, nor any actual warming—the Earth has been in a natural cooling
cycle since 1997!
At the heart of the global warming—now
called climate change—“crisis” has been the United Nations Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) that has been issuing apocalyptic predictions since its inception in
1988. None of its predictions have come true. How could they, based as they are
on the false science of computer models, not that based on observable climate
events and trends?
To this day our own government through
its meteorological agencies has been caught manipulating the data gathered over
the years to conform with the “warming” scenario. The worst has been the
Environmental Protection Agency which is engaged in an effort to shut down
coal-fired utilities and access to every other energy source on which we depend
to power the nation.
Despite this national and
international effort, mostly likely based on the liberal ideology that there are
too many humans on the plant and dramatic ways must be found to reduce that
number. In the past these anti-humanity advocates could depend on famine,
disease and wars to kill off millions, but in the modern world that has become
less of a threat.
One libertarian think tank, the
Heartland Institute, has been leading the battle against the global
warming/climate change hoax for a decade. As a Heartland policy advisor I have
had a front row seat. In June, Heartland will sponsor the Tenth International
Conference on Climate Change bringing together some of the world’s leading
scientists to recommend that it is time for Congress to “take a fresh look at
climate science”, “explore better science-based policies for energy and the
environment”, and, bluntly stated, to “start over on the question of global
It did not surprise me to learn that
Heartland had dispatched staff to Rome when the Pope announced he too was
joining the “climate change” advocates despite its lack of any basis in science.
The group garnered tons of international media coverage by simply presenting the
truth. You can find out more about them
here, It didn’t take long for
Jeffrey Sachs, a Columbia University professor and ‘special advisor” to United
Nations Secretary General Ban Ki-Moon, to write a commentary condemning global
warming “deniers” that appeared on a Catholic website called
Sachs took particular aim at The
Heartland Institute and, despite not attending its Rome press conference or any
of the presentations the experts provided, did not hesitate to identify
Heartland as having been supported for years by the Koch brothers, known for the
support of conservative groups and causes.
Bast, Heartland president, does not let such cheap shots pass by. “The
Heartland Instituter has received just $25,000 from a single organization, a
charitable foundation affiliated with the Koch brothers during the past 15
years. Our annual budget is approximately $7 million. Even that small gift was
earmarked for our work on health care reform, not global warming. Why does Sachs
mention the ‘Koch brothers’ unless his intention is to smear an independent
organization by falsely implying a much larger or somehow Improper level of support from some singularly
unpopular billionaires?”
Bast got to the heart of the war being
perpetrated by the either misinformed or deliberately lying world leaders of the
climate change hoax. “The dishonesty of Sachs’ reference to The Heartland
Institute would be startling, coming from a person of Sachs’ stature, if this
sort of misrepresentation of facts weren’t so common in the debate over climate
change. President Obama sets the tone. Comparing global warming realists to
members of the ‘flat earth society’ and rather ominously calling on his
supporters to ‘hold climate change denier’s feet to the
“Sachs has had a long and
distinguished career as an academic and in various government agencies,” said
Bast, “but on this issue he is letting his liberal ideology cloud his judgement.
His short essay reveals a disturbing lack of knowledge about climate science and
compassion toward the billions of people in the world who will be harmed by the
UN’s plans to make energy more expensive and less
“Sachs ends his essay with a call on
people of all faiths to ‘fulfill our moral responsibilities to humanity and the
future of Earth.’ That responsibility starts with truth-telling. Sachs and his
colleagues on the left haven’t reach the starting line
It doesn’t matter if it is the Pope,
the President of the United States, or the UN Secretary General if the assertion
that the Earth is warming when it is not or that coal, oil and natural gas must
be abandoned to “save the Earth.” Whether from ignorance or a dark hidden
agenda, the whole of the global warming/climate change is aimed at harming
billions, many of whom need the power that this hoax would deny to
© Alan Caruba, 2015
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