By Alan
In his
second inaugural speech, Barack Obama said, “We must respond to the threat of
climate change, knowing that the failure to do so would betray our children and
future generations”?
To what
“climate change” is Obama referring? Is it the now thoroughly debunked “global
warming” hoax? Is it the climate change of the 11,500 years since the last ice
age? Or is it “the devastating impact of raging fires, and crippling drought,
and more powerful storms” to which Obama referred?
If it
is the latter, does anyone actually believe that these natural events can be
mitigated by anything Americans or the entire population of the world can do?
Did any among the thousands in attendance at the inauguration, shivering in the
frigid weather, wonder what the President was talking about or
more than three decades of being told that the Earth was dangerously heating up
by people like Al Gore and the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change,
there are more voices warning that the current cold cycle that will last, at a
minimum, several decades.
public continues to be misled to the mainstream media and, more importantly, by
the federal government whose increased environmental regulations are based on
the global warming lies, so who can you believe?
Publications such as Science magazine
have been so politicized at this point as to be virtually useless. Roger Pielke
Jr., a professor of environmental studies, recently released a study that
updates his study of the magazine, noted that “In a 2009 paper I documented that
Science magazine published 40 editorials critical of the Bush Administration
during its two terms, and only 1 such critique of the Clinton Administration’s
previous 2 terms. I have just updated this analysis through the first term of
the Obama Administration, and found no editorials critical of the Obama
should be noted that Obama routinely refers to “climate change”, the new name
for “global warming”, and has already wasted billions on “renewable” energy,
wind and solar, including algae, otherwise known as pond scum. The Obama EPA is
releasing an avalanche of new regulations based in part on the “global warming”
myths and dubious “science” regarding levels of pollution that are

has been issuing press releases since 2007 warning of a decades-long period of
cooling that will likely have some extremely serious effects on the planet that
include droughts, increased volcanic activity, earthquakes, and the death of
millions as the history of such events in the past demonstrates. He is candid
about his credentials and the lack of response he has gotten from the media and
those in the government he has tried to inform.
Of one
release, he says that “In fact, it was seen with even less credulity since it
was proposed by someone essentially unknown in the professional climate science
community, a person without any past record of university research and not one
published paper in any scientific journal.” It would be easy to dismiss Casey,
but he has been a consultant to NASA, “performing space shuttle and space
station analysis” and done studies for the Department of Defense “performing
rocket launch studies.” He has a BS degree in physics and mathematics and a MA
in management. So it can be said he has extensive experience in areas that
require a sound body of knowledge.
are also forecasting a serious cold cycle. In January 2012, Habilbullo
Abdusamatov, a scientist from the Pulkovo Observatory of the Russian Academy of
Sciences predicted a sharp drop in temperature starting in 2014 and a new
“little” ice age that will last at least two centuries with a peak in 2055. It
would be the fifth such event over the past nine centuries, the last of which
lasted from 1300 to 1850 when the last warming cycle began.
January 2012, Wall Street Journal science columnist Matt Ridley, noted that the
cycle of warm weather between ice ages that the Earth has been enjoying “is
already 11,600 years old, and it must surely in the normal course of things,
come to an end.”

book reflects his mission to educate the public to the dangers of a sun whose
low number of sunspots (magnetic storms) is well known among solar scientists
and generally under-reported. “This particular solar cycle (#24) peak is one of
the lowest since cycle #14 in 1906 which had approximately 64 sunspots,” Casey
told me. “We measure each solar maximum every eleven years to determine the
average of solar activity by sunspot count. We have had solar maximums in the
past there were over 200 sunspots and some as low as 50. The relevance of
information about the number of sunspots is that when the count goes below 50 we
enter a much colder climate era.”
will dismiss Casey for not having the credentials of climatologists and
meteorologists. Many with these credentials jumped on the global warming hoax by
way of securing grants and other funding. A courageous few debunked global
warming until it became obvious that it was a lie. There will be those who will
dismiss his warning as hyperbole. In “Cold Sun” he says “A historic reduction in
the energy output of the Sun has begun. The most likely outcome from this ‘solar
hibernation’ will be widespread global loss of life and social, economic, and
political disruption.”
As the
German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer (1788-1860) said, “All truth passes
through three stages. First, it is ridiculed. Second, it is violently opposed.
Third, it is accepted as being self-evident.” It is very likely that as the
current cooling cycle—now over 16 years old—wlll increase, Robert W. Felix’s,
Casey’s, and others with traditional credentials in meteorology, climatology,
geology and physics will eventually be heeded and the Big Chill will have become
© Alan
Caruba, 2013
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